424.IAM.FREE (424.426.3733) unbound@5keystofreedom.com

How about trying your hand at a poem of gratitude, giving yourself 5 minutes or less to see what bubbles up when the first letter of each line starts with the letters that spell “Gratitude?”


Here’s my Gratitude Poem:

Depositphotos.com/PetarPaunchev Licensed to ReapAsYouSew.com

Thanks to Depositphotos.com/PetarPaunchev,
this photo was licensed to Chris@ReapAsYouSew.com.


Great are our opportunities,

Resplendent our God!

Abundance is God’s offer and desire for us,

There for the asking.

I embrace with


Unlimited possibilities:

Doing and being,

Evolving in freedom!


Please, feel free to post your Gratitude poems as Comments!