We Detox Our Bodies—Our Spirits Also Need Detoxing!
Body detox isn't just a fad; for many, it’s become a necessity. We’re learning that our world is filled with toxins, from food and water, cleaning products, and the air we breathe, including the polluted air that comes over from mainland China. It’s mainstream...
3 Promising Ways to Invite Greater Freedom into Your Life
After more than 50 Unbound sessions, our 5 Keys to Freedom in Christ team has seen the Lord do amazing healing and deliverance. Yet not everyone who comes for Unbound ministry gets set free, as they were hoping, or they don't Stay Free, doing what's needed to hold...
How and Why Unbound Ministry is Growing in California and the World!
I'd like to invite laity and clergy to read this post from Heart of the Father Ministries, which has trained our 5 Keys to Freedom in Christ team and spread the awesome ministry of Unbound across the states, provinces, and nations! Please check out this post and pray...
Is Your Life Headed In The Best Direction?
I used to get lost everywhere! I recently got surcharged by Uber because I called for a ride in the middle of a long city block and when a text directed me to a Meeting Point, I couldn't read the map to determine whether to go up or down the street or cross it;...
How to Participate in God’s Miracles!
Understanding How We Can Coooperate with God's Plans I recently listened to Experiencing God by Henry and Richard Blackaby and Claude King. This inspirational book is about the blessings and miraculous outcomes that come from: discovering where the Father is working;...
Giving Back with Your Testimony
Look at the Instant Pot's success! Don't we all love to get a glowing recommendation from someone affirming the good that our products or services have produced? While thanks are wonderful, positive word-of-mouth advertising shows the greatest appreciation and is the...
How To Deflect Strong Threats To Your New Freedom Over the Holidays
Perhaps over the holidays you'll be around family members who regularly behave in ways that annoy you. Maybe you'll see people who mistreated you. You don't want to fall into an old sinkhole and not know how to climb back to the freedom in Christ you've found this...
A Pep Rally for Lovers of the Holy Spirit!
The Call Went Out Two years ago, Pope Francis called charismatics around the world to travel to Rome to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and Pentecost. (This means that of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, he invited roughly 120...
Belief Could Be Standing Between You and Your Desires
All that’s standing between you and what you desire is belief. The first of 7 steps in putting the power of belief to work is to identify the essence of what you want. . . . Replacing a mindset of lack and hardship with a mindset of plenty and abundance is likely to beneficially spill over into many areas of life, including not just finances but also time and energy!
Darkness and Light
Let Peace Begin with Me. The first time I heard the 1955 song, “Let There Be Peace on Earth” (written by Sy Miller and Jill Jackson) was in1990 during the Persian Gulf War, when the US and other countries launched Operation Desert Storm after Iraq invaded Kuwait. I’m...