by Lorelei Low | Jun 1, 2015 | Encouragement and Inspiration, Overcoming Obstacles
As May comes to a close, let’s give thanks for the protection we’ve received and the protective tools we’ve become aware of, as well as the energy, spirit, and/or armor of God that helps keep us aligned with our sacred creative calling. As the month ends, let’s carry the awareness of this “bodyguard” or protective energy forward with us. It can serve us well for years to come.
And in this final May 2015 post, let’s look at a powerful way to guard against the common obstacle of overwhelm, which is probably the most common form of self-sabotage. Sometimes we (and that includes me) can sabotage our (my) own creative successes by taking on too much at once. The resulting feeling of overwhelming stress easily leads to avoidance, not knowing where to start, a seemingly insurmountable hill to climb, creative paralysis, or doing nothing well because we’re spread too thin.
When this happens, PROCLAIM and PRAY! Proclaim (that is, state boldly out loud or in writing) whatever permission you need to give yourself: permission to let your light shine, permission to express what the Lord’s given you to express, permission to take time to complete one task at a time, or even permission to create a sanctuary of creativity time and space by putting a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door, literally or figuratively. Pray for the Holy Spirit to encourage you to pursue your creative passion, to fulfill your call to creative greatness, or to simply bless someone with the creative work you are gifted, equipped, and prompted to do. Pray for the Spirit to open the doors He wants opened to keep you in the center of God’s perfect will and to close the doors He wants closed. Accept and trust in that guidance.
Proclaiming permission to pursue your creativity and praying for the Spirit’s guidance will help you stay on your creative path. Put your whole heart into fulfilling your calling. You’re made in the image of the Great Creator, so it’s so natural for you to love, to create, and to fulfill your personal assignment in the Kingdom of God. Go for it with passion.
Coming in June: Paying Attention to Inspiration All Around.
by Lorelei Low | May 18, 2015 | Mindset
Worry and guilt are disruptive time wasters, the former looking forward and the latter looking backwards. If you catch yourself in them, focus on taking some deep breaths, both to cleanse yourself and to release tension, as well as to bring yourself back to the present moment.
Most dreaded worries never materialize, and Christians have a more useful approach: “Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”~Philippians 4:6-7. If you can turn your worries over to God, let go, and trust, you’ll be so much freer!
Most guilt is unwarranted unless you did something unethical, against applicable laws, or intentionally harmful to another being. That’s not the kind of guilt I hear about most from coaching clients. Their guilt involves choosing between two upstanding things, like making a special dinner and investing time in an art project; answering email first thing in the morning or sitting down and writing for 20 or 30 minutes at the start of the day; a little more sleep versus a little more prayer or meditation; saving for the offsprings’ tuition or spending on inspiring art supplies. Psychologically speaking, that’s “inappropriate” guilt.
Instead of wallowing in guilt, let it go once you’ve given yourself a chance to figure out what message the guilt has for you. If the message seems to be that it’s wrong to take time for yourself or for your creativity, I daresay you very well may have gotten the message wrong. In fact, when women take care of themselves, not only they but everyone around them benefits. Good self-care, even pampering, is sacred! Plus, God intended his creatures to express their creativity. There is a time for every purpose under heaven ~Ecclesiastes 3:1 ~ and both self-care and creativity are blessed purposes. So, see if you can take a few small steps towards creativity, even if other priorities need to consume the bulk of your energies at this point in your life.
Last summer I was feeling bogged down by a long list of perceived shoulds and some related guilt, so I started an intuitive writing exercise with each sentence beginning, “Now it’s time to . . ..” Writing as fast as I could, without enough time for actual thinking, I scribbled down whatever popped into my head. Today I searched my computer for anything I’d saved about guilt and this writing exercise popped up. I’ll share it with you in the hope that you might try the exercise and benefit from your own insights. You may want to do it right now, before you read what I wrote.
* * *
OK, so now you’re back.
I’m calling what emerged for me (through the Holy Spirit, no doubt) Permission from Deep Within:
Now it’s time to shine as I am.
Now it’s time to show my freedom.
Now it’s time to create in all areas of my life.
Now it’s time to help other people shine in their lives.
Now it’s time to serve in love.
Now it’s time to share for the fun of it!
Now it’s time to let go of people pleasing.
Now it’s time to release guilt.
Now it’s time to let go of taking care of everyone else.
* * *
What emerged for you?
by Lorelei Low | Feb 22, 2015 | Empowering and Freeing Choices, Encouragement and Inspiration, Living Abundantly, Overcoming Obstacles, Transformational Breakthroughs
I’ve been thinking about time. I’m starting to actually believe there’s enough time for every good thing in my life, including relaxation! This change from not-enough-time to plenty-of-time thinking is an especially well timed, as I’m just finishing up a working vacation in Mexico, following a 4-day retreat!
This surprisingly positive thinking seems influenced by four realizations:
- Letting go of compulsive perfectionism makes us better;
- Patience is easier when the pressure is off;
- We don’t have to figure out all our time management issues on our own; and
- The help we get reduces stress!
When it comes to perfectionism, I find it helpful to embrace the 80-20 rule — that 20% of effort produces 80% of results. For years, I’ve seen this principle applied to everything from economics and tax policy to email management. Nevertheless, I’ve too often ignored it in my life, spending inordinate amounts of time trying to perform every task as if it were a final exam, even striving for 100% on life’s metaphorical pop quizzes! Lowering my standards to 80% on 80% of what I do — that is, reducing my perfectionism while still allowing for excellence where it’s important — means more time for more good things! It also means energy isn’t drained by relentless striving. Devoting the saved time to play or relaxation can also make focused time yield even better rewards because we’re fresher.
Less Pressure, Less Stress, More Patience? The second word of Chapter 3, verse 1, of the Book of Ecclesiastes verse is only one letter long but is really important: “There’s a time for every purpose under heaven.” A time implies that, even if the proposed activity serves a great cause, this isn’t necessarily the time. The indefinite article “a” means the time may be tomorrow or next year! The verse doesn’t say “Now’s the time!” I’m more patient with myself (and less stressed) when I know my good idea or worthwhile task can wait until another time!
So how do we figure out whether this time is the time for a particular use of your time and energy? An amazing ad’s been running for some time about a fantastic radio station that gives the best advice time management advice ever. You’re invited to call in your questions or just tune in and hear advice given to others like you. I came across the ad yesterday and here’s what it says:
[su_box title=”TUNE IN & TUNE UP YOUR TIME ” style=”glass” box_color=”#47142D”]
WSDM, the Voice of Wisdom call-in talk show, is broadcasting worldwide, 24/7, with great advice from an all-knowing and eminently qualified host. He wants YOU to call or tune in — first, because you’re the station’s ideal target audience, and second, because the host’s awesome advice will answer questions about time (or anything else) wisely. Whether you’re a first time caller or a regular, you’re encouraged to present questions daily! You have ready access to someone who’s in touch with your reality. He’s been through weakness and testing—he experienced it all and he overcame every obstacle.
WSDM PROMISES, if you live the way the host advises, you’ll get these free gifts:
- exuberance
- serenity, and
- the remarkable ability to marshal and direct your energies wisely.
The host will also advise you not to allow yourself to get fatigued doing good. He’ll let you know when it’s the right time to work for everyone’s benefit. In fact, if you trust him, WSDM promises you endless energy and boundless strength! So just call in and get what our host is ready to give. Accept his help![/su_box]
You may recognize where that ad’s been running for centuries: Galatians 5:22-23 and 6:9-10 and Hebrews 4:16 (The Message).
I submit that God/Wisdom/Spirit/the Still Small Voice Within (take your pick) can guide us as to whether now’s the time or not, as well as whether the proposed activity is a “purpose under heaven,” and whether it’s one assigned to us. After all, that voice of Wisdom knows that we need downtime as well as “productive” time (i.e., time spent with an end product to show for it). The voice of Wisdom also knows if the particular task is something that is best done at all, and if so, who’s best suited to do it.
But discerning might take me more time that just doing it, you say? Not necessarily!
Here are three things you might try to help you tune into WSDM, plus a quick time-related challenge for the week.
- Set aside Morning Quiet Time. Try reading The Message version of the Bible, which is in a vernacular that’s really down to earth. Think of what you read as God’s opening of a conversation with you. To continue the dialogue, journal your questions or comments to God in equally down to earth words. Then be still, with an open mind and a pen in hand, and take notes from what you hear the voice of Wisdom prompting you to write. (This week, I’ve been enjoying one chapter a day from Galatians and Ephesians. You can quickly find them in The Message version on
- Mentally turn on WSDM’s Talk Show whenever you feel stuck. Imagine you’re going to call in and you want to frame your question well by becoming aware of what you need to find out, what you’re bothered about, or what decision needs to be made. In other words, identify specifics rather than fiddling around in generalized anxiety, confusion, overwhelm, procrastination, or repetitive negative thinking. You might explore this by asking:
- Where in your body do you feel stuck?
- What 3 words best describe how you feel about this issue?
- When or where do you feel stuck?
- Have you felt stuck like this before?
- If so, how’d you get beyond it?
Now try to narrow down your question(s) and present them to the host. You could do this by writing the question, reading it before bed, and sleeping with it under your pillow for a few nights in a row. In the morning, write down any responses you wake up with.
- Seek the advice of a trusted and godly advisor, as suggested in The Book of Proverbs. (I’d tell you exactly where but I just used the 80-20 Rule!)
Here’s a challenge for those who often struggle with feeling pressed for time. This week play with the concept that there’s a time for every purpose under heaven. Repeat that statement to yourself whenever your self-talk implies a lack of time.
Be gentle with yourself, too. If all this seems difficult, just give one idea in this post a 5-minute try a few times in the week and see if you feel even 5% more peaceful about time issues and divine guidance. Or you could even just spend 30 seconds pretending you believe that there’s a time for every purpose under heaven!
It’s the beginning of Lent, the 40 days leading up to Easter. Just maybe you’re being called to pick one of these ideas to try for the remaining 39 days.
by Lorelei Low | Jan 17, 2015 | Empowering and Freeing Choices, Encouragement and Inspiration, Holy Spirit, Overcoming Obstacles
“Many of us are afraid to set priorities that honor self. We worry and fear that we will disappoint others by putting our priorities over theirs. To the best of your ability, stay true to your own priorities, and leave it to others to respect you for doing so.” I read this on, shortly after realizing that I set my priorities all wrong today.
I drove 3 hours to get from Sea Ranch to San Francisco for what was going to be a 2:00 – 2:30 meeting with our cabinet installer and cabinet designer, because the designer’s priorities were other meetings with other clients as well as commitments in her personal life . . . and because she’s never been available to meet with me at my convenience. Early last week, she’d offered this two o’clock Friday time slot as her only available time over a two-week period.
To make it to the meeting on time, I called my latte “breakfast,” had to skip a quilt guild meeting, and drove the winding coastal highway assertively, with no rest stop, and no lunch. When I arrived, it turns out she’d gotten there early, inspected the damaged cabinets, and left already. And via email afterwards, she said she didn’t even accomplish what she’d gone there for because it “wasn’t the best day for it.”
I was angry at her, and felt very disrespected. But there’s a lesson here for me!
I wasn’t being true to myself to even TRY to go to all that effort for a half-hour meeting. When I’d prayed this morning about whether to drive down to the meeting, I received some guidance that suggested I not go, but it wasn’t crystal clear. I decided to go—out of perceived obligation and fear that without my input, mistakes wouldn’t be rectified. Not good motivation — and I knew that! Next time, I’ll spend another few minutes listening, and heed what I hear! Then my priorities will honor my true self, as guided by Spirit and my heart.
I’ve also focused this week on the verse saying that there’s a time for every purpose under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1). Apparently, today wasn’t the time for the particular purpose which my decision honored, regardless whether that meeting to resolve the cabinet problem was actually a purpose sanctioned by heaven!
Please feel free to share any comments!
by Lorelei Low | Dec 31, 2014 | Freedom
As a child in my family of origin, we’d find a gift under the Christmas tree each year with the curious label, “From Me to Me.” It would turn out to be something my mom bought for herself. After shopping for 5 kids and all the others on her list, as well as doing all the decorating, cooking, hosting of in-laws, and making sure we all had special outfits to wear to church, she felt she’d earned the right to get herself one gift that she really wanted. I picked up the tradition when my kids were young and holiday preparations fell largely on my shoulders. In today’s blog post, I mention what I got myself . . . something I both “needed” and wanted.

This year, the holiday greeting my husband and I sent out was an acrostic, each line beginning with the letters that say, “EACH DAY IS A GIFT.” We reflected on gifts that were a part of our 2014 — some opportunities, fortunate choices, blessings, or gifts that grew out of making the most of challenges. I also reflected on what to me is the greatest gift of all, and the reason for the season we’ve just celebrated: the coming of Emmanuel, God with us . . . a gift God sent out of love, to teach, heal, and set us free!
Freedom is an awesome gift! And it’s one we can all give and receive any time, without even leaving home and hitting the mall! It’s also a great guiding word for 2015.
To embrace Freedom in the New Year, here are 25 ideas of things you might try:
- Doing what you love, being true to yourself and helping others. They will respond and the rewards will follow.
- Taming your gremlins – those annoying negative thoughts and beliefs that don’t serve you any good but keep on talking inside your head. This includes Letting go of seeking approval from others, including your spouse, partner, parents, children, friends, neighbors, and even strangers or the world at large.
- Learning to say No so that you have room and energy for the best kinds of Yeses in your life.
- Getting outside your comfort zone, freed of a limit that’s holding you back from the best version of yourself—perhaps by turning your doubt into a dare . . . or just imagining what you might do without your doubt.
- Elevating quality over quantity—such as the quality of time, conversations, what you’re offering to others, material possessions, and food. You might start with just one thing a day, like upgrading one part of your morning ritual. Or you might limit the quantity of something that consumes too much of your energy.
- Creating spaciousness in your life by carving out more free time, honoring your preference to sometimes go with the flow instead of sticking to a schedule or To Do List, allowing for spontaneity or what we’ve talked about in this blog as “Divine Timing.”
- Moving yourself to the front burner, knowing you can’t continue to serve others if you yourself are neglected, broken, and not nurtured enough to be good for ongoing service to those you’re called to serve. You might start by listing 10 ways to fill your well and marking time on your calendar to practice them as sacred self-care. (This year’s Me-to-Me Christmas present was a mani-pedi and an eyebrow shaping at a spa – and a decision to do that more often, including sitting long enough afterwards to not mar the manicure before it’s completely dry! It’s not about the look but about the message it sends myself and the permission to do nothing but be pampered for a couple of hours here and there!)
- Identifying your individual gifts, talents, life purpose, and sacred calling, which will help you master your time, make good choices, set priorities, and replace unwarranted guilt as you hone in on where you’re headed and why.
- Seeking greater authenticity, clarity, and ease by being open to grace and playing with your creativity, your art, your heart’s desire, or just playing with children and trying to absorb some childlikeness.
- Learning the difference between shame and guilt and between appropriate and inappropriate guilt and then getting rid of shame and inappropriate guilt, with spiritual or psychological help, if needed.
- Learning the language of emotions so that they can be a barometer for what’s in your heart, signals of what needs to be addressed such as a fear, boundary issue, a need for action, grieving, a need to be alert and aware.
- Opening up to your full potential by going where the Love is, to the freedom that comes from releasing all unforgiveness with supernatural help.
- Beginning to identify all the areas where your heart still feels wounded, resentful, or disrespected or angry. This is the first step in the process of inner healing and forgiveness—not to condone or forget wrongs but to set you free of the other person or situation. Forgiveness is the ultimate freedom, both in this world and eternally. Galatians 5:1 says that it is precisely for freedom that Christ set us free!
- Receiving prayer or counseling for inner healing.
- Paying attention to your dreams, keeping a dream journal, joining a dream group, and working to understand their messages.
- Repeating often, “I am a unique and precious human being ever doing my best within my present level of awareness,” and remembering that this applies to everyone else as well.
- Persevering and remembering that what is impossible for human beings is totally possible for God, and asking for God’s help in accordance with God’s perfect plan.
- Closing doors through which drama habitually enters your life.
- Thinking failure is okay. Give yourself the freedom of imperfection – which, after all, is also reality —appreciating that making mistakes helps you learn and grow and may even make others around you feel better about themselves.
- Accepting that God has a freedom story waiting for each of us to tell (Psalm 107), whether that might come in areas of physical health, attitudes, relationships, or the ending of addiction or bad habits. To receive this gift, you could commit or recommit to Christ—because the greatest freedom is in knowing the One who defeated sin and died so that we might have complete forgiveness for all the ways we fall short.
- Turning to a creative craft or art in times of pressing problems and focusing for a time on the repetitive tasks like cutting, stitching, mixing colors, preparing your mis-en-place, or knitting, for example, while leaving the problem out of focus for a while; surprisingly, the solution will often come to you during or after an activity like this.
- De-cluttering for freedom’s sake – which might apply to possessions, commitments, email inboxes, or any number of things!
- Nurturing or forming an intimate and confidential circle of kindred souls intended to provide support and encouragement on a regular basis.
- Noticing something beautiful every day!
- Finding your guiding word for 2015, which has a way of freeing you to achieve it!
These are some of the topics this blog and Heart-to-Heart client coaching and ministry will address this year. Please stay tuned for more and/or submit a comment or email to share suggestions, thoughts, questions, and preferences as to which topics interest you most.
By the way, we’re thrilled to share the honor of the Heart-to-Heart blog being named as one of 75 blogs that matter most for creative people!

Here’s to greater and greater Freedom to be our true creative selves in 2015! Wishing you a joyful, healthy, and sparkly fun New Year!