by Lorelei Low | Dec 12, 2014 | Book Recommendations, Creative Expression, Encouragement and Inspiration, Life Stories

The message of Reap As You Sew: Spirit at Work in Quiltmaking was meant to be shared with other spiritual quilters and creative people.
My first Book Signing and Quilt Show in September and my Book Signing last Saturday at the Women of Faith conference in Portland reinforced that belief. In Gualala, two quilters I’d never met came up to me and each told me she’d found quiltmaking to be a spiritual experience over the years, but she’d never admitted that to anyone! One would usually tell people she quilted “for her sanity,” the other that she was “addicted” to it, because each thought people would think her weird for saying quilting connected her to God or helped her in spiritual ways. The interconnectedness of quiltmaking and spirituality was, for each of them, a private matter and a secret.
But this secret is too good to keep to ourselves!
In Portland, even in a Christian venue, I met women who were both surprised and thrilled at finding there was a book on this topic. Many had seen the larger-than-life poster of the book’s cover in the outer areas of the sports arena where the conference was held, it was the first they’d heard of the book, and they returned to my publisher’s booth at the time of my lunch hour signing. A steady stream of women stood in line to get copies signed, and unfortunately, we had to turn some away without books when my 90 minutes in the booth ended and the conference program re-commenced.
About one-third of the women in Portland got the book for a relative or friend who’s a Christian quilter, some planning to read it themselves before gifting it for Christmas. The other two-thirds, the quilters in the crowd, were excited to find a book on what they’ve personally felt—the connection between quiltmaking and spirituality. They told me about experiencing quiltmaking’s stillness as a blessing and about embuing of their work with prayer, especially while making gift quilts. Some were looking to the book for inspiration, to resume a hobby they’d let fall by the wayside in the busyness of their lives. Some sought ideas on ways to design quilts with spiritual themes or symbolism. I trust that a few relatively new quilters who got the book will find their quilting becoming a spiritual path, and I’m sure that the quilters being given the book this Christmas will be surprised and delighted!
A pastor wanted a copy for a women’s group ministry team.
One young woman, Jennifer, is currently being taught by her grandmother to hand quilt on an heirloom quilt frame that once belonged to her great-grandmother, and she got a copy of Reap As You Sew for herself and another for her grandmother. I was really touched at her soulful reverence and the way quilting is connecting generations of women.
Most people admired the photos in the book and wanted the print version, but some preferred e-book versions. I was happy to have it available in both formats.
The women wanted to know why and how I wrote the book, and I wanted to hear about their quilting preferences and their creative passions. Many of them not only quilt but also make jewelry, cards, scrapbooks, and music! Our conversations were short, but I hope to hear more from readers about how they individually experience Spirit at work in either quiltmaking or other creative activities. I’d love to share some of your stories, too, perhaps as guest blog posts or through email.
The women who came blessed me, and I, them. I requested that they might be ambassadors for the notion of quilting as a spiritual activity, as well as for the book, telling other quilters about it and posting online reviews. Why? Not just to sell copies, though that’s certainly helpful. But more significantly, I believe it’s important to validate the spiritual benefits of creativity, whether in quilting or other creative endeavors, and regardless of one’s faith or spiritual outlook! It’s good to let this light shine out, unhidden!
In 2015, I plan to open up a Spiritual Quilters’ Community forum—a place where spiritual quilters can connect with other spiritual quilters, preferably in a members only online venue—where you could post photos of quilts you make that carry some spiritual story or message, or where you might seek advice, or share a touching experience. Please feel free to post suggestions or comments about whatever you’d like to see in such a forum.
by Lorelei Low | Nov 23, 2014 | Encouragement and Inspiration, Freedom, Gratitude, Mindset
How about trying your hand at a poem of gratitude, giving yourself 5 minutes or less to see what bubbles up when the first letter of each line starts with the letters that spell “Gratitude?”
Here’s my Gratitude Poem:

Thanks to,
this photo was licensed to
Great are our opportunities,
Resplendent our God!
Abundance is God’s offer and desire for us,
There for the asking.
I embrace with
Unlimited possibilities:
Doing and being,
Evolving in freedom!
Please, feel free to post your Gratitude poems as Comments!
by Lorelei Low | Oct 22, 2014 | Creative Expression, Encouragement and Inspiration, Offerings
I’m really excited to invite you to click on Creator’s Daily Blessing to see my new video
blessing, which I made especially for those who love CREATIVITY + SPIRITUALITY.

One of the quilts in the Creator’s Daily Blessing video, “Dualism “Deconstructed” was in Sacred Threads, in the Spirituality category.
October 23rd, my Heart-to-Heart talk with Vikki Pignatelli, founder of Sacred Threads, will begin airing. Join us for great stories and great tips on nurturing your creativity, from a quilt teacher, lecturer, author, and fine artist turned textile artist who’s won First Place at the International Quilt Festival in Houston for a large art quilt!
You can register here to see the free 38-minute webinar. It will be available every 4 hours for 6 days, starting Thursday. Vikki mentions some articles in her talk. They are:
- The Quilter Magazine: Feb/March 2013 issue, “The Folly of Perfectionism”
- Quilters Newsletter Magazine: April/May 2013 issue, “Emotions, Healing and Creativity”
- Quilt Life: August 2014, “No More Creative Roadblocks” (on flexibility)
by Lorelei Low | Aug 27, 2014 | Alignment with Values, Overcoming Obstacles

©, licensed by Reap As You Sew
The first time I heard the 1955 song, “Let There Be Peace on Earth” (written by Sy Miller and Jill Jackson) was in1990 during the Persian Gulf War, when the US and other countries launched Operation Desert Storm after Iraq invaded Kuwait. I’m not a good student of history, military operations, or MidEast politics, but I do remember how I felt with the notion of peace on earth beginning with each of us as individuals. I liked the idea because it took away some of the helplessness of being a citizen of a nation at war . . . or planning war . . . or debating decisions that affect war and peace. And here we are again, perhaps feeling helpless, or angry, or some other intense emotions because of what’s happening in the world or could happen soon.
How we deal with these emotions involves mind, heart, and spirit. When that’s our experience, I submit it’s a time to notice that a spiritual battle is also waging and to embrace healing and soulful creativity.
In creativity, we have the opportunity for mind, heart and spirit to coalesce, to heal and center us by employing varied elements, expression, and processes that often take us to meaningfully depths. Visual art, the performance art of movement, music, tactile arts using ceramics or textiles, music, poetry—follow your own artistic inclinations as we make the Labor Day transition to the Fall, setting aside some time, even just a few minutes now and then, allowing your creativity to rise, to heal, to produce joy, to mourn, to express, led by your mind, your heart, and your spirit, and if you allow it, by the Spirit of God. On Labor Day and after, I will do that!
Starting tomorrow, I’ll be attending the 43rd annual Southern California Renewal Communities Convention at the Anaheim Convention Center with my spiritual brothers and sisters. We’ll spend four days pursuing a ministry track called UNBOUND. Scripturally-based, UNBOUND’s mission is to love each person as God loves us and to serve God as instruments to set God’s people free in Jesus’s name. UNBOUND disciples of Christ are waging a spiritual battle, and I believe it is just as important, if not more important, than what’s happening in the MidEast. Darkness and evil are the oppressors; and I pray for Light (which has already won the victory on the cross) to shine forth. As for letting peace begin with me, I pray that I may be a channel of God’s peace and a sign of God’s love. Let peace begin with me in my heart, and with you in your heart, and in all of our hearts together. Are you with me? Amen!
P.S. By the way, this year’s convention theme is “You are the Light of the World.” I only noticed that after I wrote this!
Note: This was originally written for my blog but I posted it here “accidentally” and then decided to leave it. Sorry for the duplication if you subscribe to both.
by Lorelei Low | Jul 30, 2014 | Encouragement and Inspiration, Overcoming Obstacles
The “21 Reminders” on how to approach the Creative Process isn’t meant to tell you more things you should be doing, but rather to encourage you or give you ideas of things you might choose to do or to ponder! I believe we are unconditionally loved by the Greatest Creator of all time, who made us in the image of a loving creator. We don’t need to earn that love! Life is full of opportunities and challenges (often one in the same), tasks to do, people to love, and creative possibilities. In the free world, thankfully, we have the freedom to choose which of those to undertake. We can even call on the Spirit of this Great Creator to help us decide what to do and figure out how to accomplish what we decide. All that’s happened in the past was a learning experience for where we are now, poised to move forward. So while we’re dropping the shoulds, let’s also drop the shouldas, couldas, and guilt! And move forward!
Gratitude for Photo: 33, licensed to me through