We Detox Our Bodies—Our Spirits Also Need Detoxing!
Body detox isn’t just a fad; for many, it’s become a necessity. We’re learning that our world is filled with toxins, from food and water, cleaning products, and the air we breathe, including the polluted air that comes over from mainland China. It’s mainstream knowledge that these toxins can cause disease and that it’s important to purge as many toxins as you can from your body. Similarly, there are pollutants to our spiritual well-being that eat away at our souls. If you’ve heard me speak on freedom or on creativity, you already know I’m on a crusade to help people go deep and root out whatever blocks their creativity (which I see as reflecting the image and likeness of God) and inhibits fulfilling their God-appointed mission in life.
Fear. Depression. Overwhelming stress. Anxiety. Compulsive people-pleasing. These have become so commonplace that we tend to ignore them until they escalate to threaten our health, our relationships, and our authentic selves. Through my e-book, Freedom from Hurts, Fears, and Unhealthy Habits: 5 Keys to a Free, Peaceful Life with More Creative Energy, I encouraged readers to use specific spiritual tools to forgive and be healed of lingering resentments, faulty thinking, and resulting habits that interfere with being fully alive, more joyful, and more creative than ever. Freedom from Fears was especially geared to women who value creativity but who may not have been exposed to the spiritual detox work described here for Catholic and non-Catholic Christians, based on five key points supported by what Jesus taught in The Lord’s Prayer 2000 years ago. Surprisingly, only in recent years have ministries developed step-by-step approaches to make this kind of spiritual cleansing easily accessible, and lay people are now helping people experience clean hearts and spirits across the US, Europe, Africa, Australia, and South America, most nobably through the Unbound model of prayer ministry.
The book focuses on how detoxing the spirit—which includes cleansing the heart of resentment, bitterness, and unforgiveness—relates to The Lord’s Prayer, verse by verse. And it also tells some of my personal story and the journey from lamenting a relationship impasse through several kinds of training in detoxing the spirit.
The e-book also offers fun and practical tools to help you break through creativity blocks. Before I devoted myself completely to UNBOUND ministry, I called myself a Spiritivity Coach because I believe in the intimate connection between Spirit and Creativity, each enhancing the other. Accordingly, this e-book presented favorite techniques to help overcome roadblocks and cleanse your spirit of whatever lingering hurts or false beliefs hold you back. I emphasized the powerful blending of spirituality and creativity, because inspiration and execution sourced from deep within draw from a limitless supernatural well. Imagine a retreat where the Holy Spirit and Hildegard von Bingen meet Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the book, Big Magic. And, wow, what excites me with that combo is that we can all have access to not just magic, but miracles!
I define creativity very broadly. It can involve the arts, business, or a service profession. The creative process is in play whenever you do something innovative in a way in which you’re expressing yourself as the unique being you are. I believe we all come from the Creator and thus we are all creative.
The e-book, Freedom from Hurts, Fears, and Unhealthy Habits, was recently included in our Inner Healing Black Friday Bundle and will be offered again soon.