by Lorelei Low | Oct 22, 2014 | Creative Expression, Encouragement and Inspiration, Offerings
I’m really excited to invite you to click on Creator’s Daily Blessing to see my new video
blessing, which I made especially for those who love CREATIVITY + SPIRITUALITY.

One of the quilts in the Creator’s Daily Blessing video, “Dualism “Deconstructed” was in Sacred Threads, in the Spirituality category.
October 23rd, my Heart-to-Heart talk with Vikki Pignatelli, founder of Sacred Threads, will begin airing. Join us for great stories and great tips on nurturing your creativity, from a quilt teacher, lecturer, author, and fine artist turned textile artist who’s won First Place at the International Quilt Festival in Houston for a large art quilt!
You can register here to see the free 38-minute webinar. It will be available every 4 hours for 6 days, starting Thursday. Vikki mentions some articles in her talk. They are:
- The Quilter Magazine: Feb/March 2013 issue, “The Folly of Perfectionism”
- Quilters Newsletter Magazine: April/May 2013 issue, “Emotions, Healing and Creativity”
- Quilt Life: August 2014, “No More Creative Roadblocks” (on flexibility)
by Lorelei Low | Jul 30, 2014 | Encouragement and Inspiration, Overcoming Obstacles
The “21 Reminders” on how to approach the Creative Process isn’t meant to tell you more things you should be doing, but rather to encourage you or give you ideas of things you might choose to do or to ponder! I believe we are unconditionally loved by the Greatest Creator of all time, who made us in the image of a loving creator. We don’t need to earn that love! Life is full of opportunities and challenges (often one in the same), tasks to do, people to love, and creative possibilities. In the free world, thankfully, we have the freedom to choose which of those to undertake. We can even call on the Spirit of this Great Creator to help us decide what to do and figure out how to accomplish what we decide. All that’s happened in the past was a learning experience for where we are now, poised to move forward. So while we’re dropping the shoulds, let’s also drop the shouldas, couldas, and guilt! And move forward!
Gratitude for Photo: 33, licensed to me through