Is this ministry for you as a prayer team member? Would you like to Give Back what the Lord has graced you with?
Do you long to help people who struggle with the same areas of sin, weakness, and negative thinking over and over? Perhaps to help them deepen their confessions, amend their lives, and grow in intimacy with the Lord?
Would you like to help restore hope and serenity to those who’ve not dared to envision being free of the residual effects of their past?
Would you like to tap into the healing power of the Gospel for yourself and others?
Are you a counselor, social worker, deacon, pastoral caregiver, or lay person who’d like greater understanding of the influences or strategies of Darkness in the lives of those in your care?
Would you like to be ministered to as part of your discernment about training to be on a ministry team?
UNBOUND is a Growing Ministry.
A growing number of churches, ministries, therapists, spiritual directors, and life coaches have been training throughout the world to help those seeking greater freedom through the Five Keys of UNBOUND. The St. Dominic’s ministry team coordinators first experienced UNBOUND at a Freedom in Christ Conference at the Southern California Renewal Conference in Anaheim, CA in the summer of 2014. Recently, both attended (along with three other team members ) the international UNBOUND Leadership Conference in Philadelphia, attended by priests, religious, and lay people from all over the U.S. as well as Canada, Africa, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and Japan. This year alone, over 5,000 people have been trained to use the UNBOUND model of prayer.
To be trained by the founding ministry, Heart of the Father Ministries, and taught by Neal, Janet, and Matt Lozano, go to this link.
At St. Dominic’s, our group trainings are open to faithful Catholics who either want to become members of our UNBOUND San Francisco ministry team at St. Dominic’s and other faithful Christians who want to be trained to enhance their ministries and to those who’d like to use this type of prayer in their own prayer life or in various roles in their lives (such as parenting and service ministries) and who are understanding of our submission to Catholic supervision. The sooner new prospective team members complete their basic training, the sooner they’ll be able to discern their calling for the ministry and, if they become members of our team, serve as intercessors in UNBOUND sessions and join previously trained team members for additional Ministry Training and Team Development. Our group training consists of some self-study using recordings from a Freedom in Christ conference plus (typically) an in-person Friday evening and Saturday training at St. Dominic’s (last held on November 9 and 10, 2018 — 2019 dates are not yet determined). If you feel called to train with or serve on the UNBOUND San Francisco team, please fill out the training form at the bottom of this page, and we’ll be in touch when the time comes, but definitely not in the first half of 2019. For training offered at other locations, we recommend that you visit heartofthefather.com.
Before training, those to be trained need to read Unbound by Neal Lozano and schedule a personal UNBOUND ministry session if they’ve never experienced one or have not yet experienced freedom in Christ. They also talk to their pastor, confessor, or spiritual director to obtain a recommendation for service with UNBOUND San Francisco. And they listen to or watch the talks from a Freedom in Christ Conference if they’ve not heard or seen them already, available through heartofthefather.com.
During the in-person training, interspersed with prayer and discussion, we discuss the topics and practicalities of the ministry and go over FAQs. With permission, we’ve also watched actual UNBOUND sessions conducted by Neal Lozano, who has 40 years of experience in healing and deliverance prayer ministry. At the end of this phase of training, you’ll be encouraged to discern if you’re called to continue into the next phase of training, including being an intercessor during UNBOUND San Francisco ministry sessions. There’s a fee payable to secure registration for the training and to pay for various training materials and expenses.
Although we welcome non-Catholic prayer recipients and trainees, all team members must submit their ministry to the supervision of St. Dominic’s Catholic Church, a Dominican parish within the Archdiocese of San Francisco. We have a St. Dominic’s priest as our spiritual advisor.
All team members respect the privacy of those we pray with and maintain confidentiality.
Team members are in good relationship to God’s people within the context of a solid Christian community.
They are spiritually mature, faithful to prayer and the normal disciplines of the Christian life. Catholics on the UNBOUND San Francisco team receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist regularly.
They are self-aware and emotionally and mentally stable.
They understand the Unbound model of deliverance prayer and commit to
They understand and engage in our team’s training process and scheduling process.
They have space in their lives for adequate self-care; they gracefully balance ministry with other responsibilities.
The important people in their lives support their participation on our UNBOUND San Francisco team.
They commit to
There is a process of mutual discernment at each stage of training to ascertain whether the person’s service on the team is a good fit and aligned with our mutual understanding of God’s will.
The most serious form of poverty of all can be the poverty of the spirit, not only because it drains life of all energy, joy, and sense of purpose, but also because it is the one kind of poverty than can last forever.
The Spiritual Works of Mercy are integral to this ministry, so if you choose to be a part of it, you will bless others and be blessed!
- Instructing – We teach the 5 Keys; we instruct people in how, who, and what to forgive; we show people how to live in the fullness and freedom Jesus intended for his followers.
- Admonishing – We all need God’s loving correction and deeper understanding of our faith, but first and foremost, we listen non-judgmentally and with compassion. We speak the truth in love as the Holy Spirit leads.
- Counseling the Doubtful – We listen attentively and often accompany or counsel people struggling with faith concerns.
- Comforting the Sorrowful – We listen to people in grief or going through tough situations, many of whom pour out their troubles as part of an UNBOUND session, and we lovingly and respectfully show compassion and pray for them.
- Forgiving Injuries and Offenses – The heart of an UNBOUND session is helping people to forgive injuries and offenses.
- Bearing Wrongs Patiently – We help people renounce and be delivered from bitterness, lingering anger, impatience, unhealthy habits, etc. Afterward, they feel empowered and are better equipped to bear wrongs patiently and to not be a victim!
- Praying for Others – We are a confidential prayer ministry, above all!
Please fill out and submit the form below if you have interest and/or questions about becoming a team member. You’ll get an onscreen acknowledgement of receipt and will be contacted within two business days. Thank you!

To submit your interest in training form, use the very subtle Submit button at the lower right corner of the form.
If you’d like to request individual ministry, click on the button below.